Monday, January 9, 2012


The day after I arrived on Guam for the holidays, I went right to work making gingerbread girls and boys for my niece Caroline's first birthday party.

Caroline was born on December 23rd so my sister decided to have a holiday themed birthday party.  Originally, she wanted it to be a Winter "One"-derland theme but that didn't seem to fit since we were on a tropical island.  Ha, ha!

I am not a big fan of gingerbread so I made sugar cookies instead.  I tinted the dough with some chocolate brown Americolor food gel.  It was hard to get each batch of dough the same shade of brown.  My mom and I were teasing that some of the gingerbread boys and girls laid out in the sun a little too long and others got just the right tan.  :)

The cookies were decorated to match the gingerbread boys and girls on the invitation, cupcake toppers and banner all made by my good friend Cynthia over at Cute C Things.  You really need to check out her blog and Facebook page - she does AWESOME work!

Gingerbread boys and girls
Birthday banner and cake surrounded by cupcakes and cookies.
Close - up of the cake.  I added the cookies to it.
Close - up of cupcakes
View from the hotel where the party was held.  Just had to throw this pic in!